Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Review and 2015 Resolutions

2014 has been a tough year.  I've been disabled by a back injury for most of the year, which has put a huge damper on getting things done around the new house.  The garden was basically completely done by my wife and kids, and it didn't go well after we had most of our seedlings eaten by something.  Living near a woods is going to be a new adventure.

2015 Could be a much better year.  I am healing.  I am dedicating myself to losing weight.  By spring I should be back to work and well on my way to being able to work outside, if everything goes well.

So here is my list of things to do for the year:

  1. Get healthy.  Specifically this means getting back to work and losing weight by sticking to a reasonable diet, starting today.
  2. Putting in a real garden in a permanent location.  This is going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the long run.
  3. Getting the property surveyed.  I really need to know what things around fall on what side of property lines so I can get my to do list figured out.
  4. Get the pool clean and figure out my maintenance on it.  Last summer was a disaster.  I just couldn't keep the chlorine levels up.
  5. Add a shed for the garden.  This is my stretch goal.

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